
Welcome! I’m Nate Clayberg

"I help students who are preparing for college to figure out what work they’re wired for, what major they will study, and where they’ll go to school so they can be clear, confident, and on fire about their upcoming college career."

My goal here is to encourage future and current working professionals to find confidence in finding a career path they can be purposeful and motivated about.

Have you ever said:

  • “I don’t know what I want to be after college."
  • “Choosing a major shouldn’t be this tough."
  • “How will I know I’ll really like my job when I get one?"
  • “Thank God it’s Friday!"
  • “Oh no, it’s Monday!"
  • “I don’t work in a job I went to school for."
  • “I wish I liked my job."

If you have ever had these thoughts, then you are in the right place!

For tips and strategies on how to find a more purposeful and passionate career path,  click “sign me up.”



Here’s How Career Adventure Academy Can Help You Find a More Purposeful Career Path

I’m here to help you discover your purpose in the work you are wired to do.

We get asked what job do we want when we are kids and when we get older too.  What about the job you should have? Being engaged in a career can lead to a meaningful all-around life. 

Your career is yours to determine. The goal is to find a job you want to do. One you are wired to do and one that can lead to a growing and meaningful career.

I’m here to help you create that plan for a meaningful career.

By using the data from proven assessment tools we can help make a certain career pathway that can be purposeful.  By measuring your Motivators, Personality Type, and Career Interests an answer can become pretty clear to find a passionate pathway too.

I’m here to help you prove that your career path choice is with purpose.

We begin with identifying a job.  Look at the education needed to reach that job. Find an experience to make that job yours.



Nate Clayberg is a certified economic developer, broadcaster, marketer, and career navigator.  He has spent his career helping others to solve problems and make connections for success.

Over the last 25+ years, Nate has switched careers over seven times and knows the frustration many people can have in not finding purpose in their careers.  Today he helps students of all ages and early and late-career professionals better identify "What they SHOULD do for a living."

Nate's Content

Nate is also active with his local community in Northeast Iowa. This includes involvement in his kids' school and their activities. He resides with his wife and has two kids. His daughter is a college student at the University of Northern Iowa majoring in finance and economics.  Their son is a high school student determining his pathway for beyond graduation, if he will let his Dad help.  The family enjoys traveling, Disney everything, golf, and life on the water.

 If you’d like to learn more about the framework on how to find a career path with more purpose and passion, all you have to do is click “sign me up.”




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