"I help students to figure out what work they’re wired for, what major they will study, and where they’ll go to school so they can be clear, confident, and on fire about their upcoming career."
- Nate Clayberg, Founder & Chief Navigator
Do you have a student that is struggling to figure out what they are going to do after they graduate?
Maybe they've been living their lives going through the motions in making choices on what is next for them
Do you now realize how soon their senior year is coming and you want your child to have a path to reach their PURPOSE?
Which Concern Fits You?
There are so many unknowns for students and their families about steps beyond graduation.
The pain points include: How to choose a college. How to choose a major. How to pay for college. What job to have for until you retire. How to avoid being depressed in making any of these choices.
I can't afford college, and the debt is not for me
I don't know if I will even get admitted to the college I want
I just don't know what I want to do for a job

I have definitely grown as a person with your program. So thank you for helping me do that.

Before this program, I felt really confused and lost. Now I am so much more confident in what I want to do with my future.

I have so much more clarity in my Graduation Story, and I am confident and excited to share with others what I am passionate about.
"The one who plants trees, knowing that he will never sit in their shade, has at least started to understand the meaning of life." - Nelson Henderson
It's not about graduating.

9 out of 10
Graduate High School
US News & World Report

4 out of 10
College Freshmen
Graduate within 4 Years
National Center for Education Stats

6 out of 10
College Freshmen
Graduate within 6 Years
National Center for Education Stats

4 out of 10
College Graduates
Did Not Need their College Major
Inside Higher Ed

7 out of 10
College Students
Accumulate Long-Term Debt
US News & World Report

3 out of 10
of American Workers
Are Engaged in their Jobs
"My GOAL for EACH student is to have them discover who they are and what they are REALLY wired to do." - Nate Clayberg
Too many people are unhappy in their careers.
So many have realized after working in their jobs that they didn't take the path they should have taken.
Discover Clarity and Gain Confidence in Figuring Out What YOU Should Do After Graduation
Students feel like they will not be able to get into college.
They feel that the cost of going to college is too expensive.
They've followed everything they were told to do to be successful in school. But they worry they still don't know enough about how to actually succeed.
They are too busy with their everyday lives. Schedules are so filled up with activities, part-time jobs and friends they have lost sight of where their future is going.
- They think they know what they want to do. But they aren't really sure how to get there.
They are worried they won't find a career they can be passionate about and be proud to have.
I'm at a place in my life where I have found PURPOSE in the work I get to do every day and who. My work as a career & college discovery coach for students that are trying to figure out their path should take following graduation.
These are the students that fear having to answer the question from family members about what they are going to do after they are done with school in the spring. They take satisfaction in giving an answer that relates to a college team they follow, a job with a skill they have shown, or just say they don't know yet.
I was the one that said I knew what I wanted to do. But I really didn't. It took me almost 25 years to realize that I found the work I am wired to do and to offer the assistance I wish I had when I was a student.
As I began my original Career Adventure, I felt like I was on the right path. I decided it was a college degree I needed to build my career in radio broadcasting, and reach my goal of owning my own radio station. One year of junior college, then another seven semesters in a university to truly earn my bachelor's degree in Journalism and Mass Communications. This pathway sure appeared to be leading me in the right direction.
On My Way
One morning I got a call from a radio station manager that I worked for asking me to consider taking on a full-time management role overseeing programming and the sports department. This was it, I was on my way to the corner office. Plus this was all happening before I even had finished my degree. As this opportunity came to reality I found the real-life of work started to develop for me as well. The salary I was offered was not quite the poverty level, but I was fine with it since I was making more money than I ever have before. Plus I was doing work I was passionate about. I was good at it and I enjoyed the work.
Now, What Do I Do?
In 2008 I was fired from a job I thought I loved, and it hurt. But as it turns out it was a gift in disguise. That dismissal was the catalyst to open back up my career guide book and seek with purpose what I should do for work. Not just what job should I go after.
However, I started to learn more about the jobs my friends from high school were getting and how much more money they were making than I was. I was happy for them, but it made me question what I was doing as my student loans were coming due and I now I had a new car payment to make. Money was tight. As time went on I got married, moved across the state, and was looking for the next step in that career ladder. I found that the step wasn't there on the ladder I wanted to climb. I had to find a whole new ladder that I really had no plan to climb in order to meet the financial demands of my life. This is when my Career Adventure guide book left me directionless.

Now, Where Do I Go?
As I moved through my professional career I continued to work as a broadcaster on the side, but had to work as a salesman to make ends meet. Then I made the choice to pursue a Master's Degree in the sports industry. That education and experience set me up for a very enjoyable adventure in the exciting world of college athletics. However, I was realizing again that I was not fulfilled by the work I was doing in the jobs I had.
As I transition from sports I found work in sales and fundraising that was interesting to me, but it didn't fit me. What I did find was a career path I never knew about, Economic Development. Heck, I didn't even know what it was, I had to Google it. But this kind of work fit me. Making connections. Solving problems. Developing communities and helping people find jobs in my home area.
Finding My Purpose
For the last 10 years, I have become a part of an elite group of certified professionals that have the goal of making communities better for the people that live and work there. I have found my purpose. I loved the work. I am good at it. I can get paid well for it and the world needs someone to do this work.
As I followed this part of my Career Adventure I discovered it was helping people find jobs they are wired to do, especially young people. This is when I took a leap to develop a program that every student needs, and one where parents can say that they wish they had it as a student.
Discover who they really are and what they are truly wired to do for a career
Be excited and inspired about the direction their life is going after graduation
Be confident in their choice in college, training program, or military service
Take great comfort in finding their purpose and how they will be making a difference
Wake each day feeling a sense of pride of what their life can become
- Have the security knowing the decision they made to invest their time and money is worth it
- Live a life of passion with a vocation and profession that fits a great mission for them and their loved ones
- You want to uncover your life purpose
- You feel completely lost and don’t know where to start with rediscovering yourself
- You want to pursue your ideal life and would like help designing it
- You want help creating a life vision and aligning your career to that vision
- You want to develop the courage and confidence to be yourself and go after what you want